15 Jobs That Allow You to Travel the World

After 2020, many people are searching for job opportunities that can be performed remotely. The travelers who are reading this are probably dying to go out there and explore. However you are feeling stuck with your 9to5 that is going back to working in the office. This blogpost provides you with 15 location independent jobs which do not require you to stay in one place or go to an office.

What does Location Independent mean?

When you are talking about traveling the world and working at the same time, many people think of you as a digital nomad. However being a digital nomad is different from being location independent.

Location Independent travelers are people whose work does not require them to be in the same spot or stay at a specific location. This can be because they are working on a laptop and are not required to be in the office. Or they can be working specific jobs that allow them to travel or change locations frequently.

Digital Nomads on the other hand work exclusively online. Their job allows them to change locations everyday since their only office equipment is their laptop. These can be careers in social media or just working for a firm which offers flexibility in remote work.

In this blogpost we are focusing on jobs that are location independent. However some of these can also be categorised as digital nomad jobs.

Hospitality Jobs

Hostel or Hotel Worker

One of the most flexible jobs in the world is working in hospitality. Often times you can just show up at a hostel and work for your accommodation. If you want a bit more of a fixed income, working at.a hotel might be a better option.

Work on a Boat or Yacht

Another common job that allows you to travel the world is working on a boat. Your house / job is always moving and changing locations. Working on a boat or yacht however is hard work, and you need to make sure this is something you want to commit to.

Become a Tour Guide

If you enjoy traveling the world and are interested in learning more about different countries this could be the job for you. Being a tour guide can be so different for everyone. You could decide to become an expert on a specific country or you can start working at an tour company and offer multiple tours in different countries as a tour guide.

Independent Travel Agent

An independent travel agent is a person that works for themselves and sets up vacations for others. Every person can fill in this role themselves and offer the services that they enjoy the most. This can go anywhere from offering advice to fully booking the vacation for the other person.

Freelance Jobs

Photographer / Videographer

On of the most flexible jobs in the world is being a photographer or videographer. Having your cameras by your side allows you to work from everywhere. Being a freelance is not always as easy and it might be best for you to build some reputation before going freelance and start traveling.

Help (local) businesses

There are always tons of small, local businesses who need help establishing their business. Whether it is building out their website, shooting social media content or helping on branding and strategic management… the options are endless. Working with smaller brand is often easier as a starter than landing these big collaborations.

Social Media Management

As mentioned before, many businesses want help doing social media. Often times business owners do not have the time to write out captions, respond to comments or just engage in general. Hiring a social media manager solves this problem. Working online has the advantage that you do not need an office and can work from everywhere.


if you are fortunate enough to speak multiple languages fluently, this job can be perfect for you. Many people need translators to help them with paperwork, setting up their sites, or just in general. It’s time for you to use those bilingual skills to your advantage.

Social Careers

Work as an au pair

Au pairs are nannies who work and live with a family for a longer period of time. If you enjoy kids this can be a great way to explore a new country. Most au pair jobs are 3-6 months or longer. This allows you to truly get to know a new country and see how those people are living in that country.

Dog Walker / Dog Sitter

More and more people commit to having an animal. However these people are often very busy and would love a helping hand. Whether it is dog walking or actually staying at their place and watch their dog for a longer time… If you like animals, this job can be an easy way to earn some money while seeing a new place.

Online Careers

Affiliate Marketing

A great way to earn some passive income is to promote affiliate links on your site, social media or other platform. This income is often more of a side hustle but there are people who earn 1,000+ euros every month just by promoting products.

Write an E-book

If you are really passionate about a subject or just know a lot about it, you can write an e-book. This might take a lot of time to do in the beginning but afterwards it is an easy way to earn money. The key in creating an e-book is actually bringing value to your customers and also work hard on marketing the book.

Virtual Assistant

Often times business owners or business managers need help with scheduling, replying to emails, and other work. Having an assistant can solve all of those problems. Depending on the kind of help they need, you could also be a virtual assistant. This is a person who does the same type of work that a normal assistant does, however does not work from an office.

YouTuber or Influencer

Obviously you will not become a you-tuber or influencer overnight. But if you are really passionate about creating content and sharing value with others it might be a career path to look in to. After the hard work out in the rewards can be really high as well.

Blogger or Travel Writer

Another way for travellers can earn money is by starting a blog or writing travel related articles on other websites. Depending on the time and effort that you put into becoming a blogger you can earn quite some money by writing articles. The best way to earn money whilst blogging is by creating sponsored posts.

Which of the 15 jobs mentioned above interests you the most? Let me know in the comments.



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