Travel Bucket List for 2021

Are you amazed by the fact that you have survived 2020? Because I certainly am. For the past couple of years my number 1 thing on my Bucket List was to "travel more". I love to sit down at the beginning of the year and write out all the places that caught my attention. I was always eager of visiting these places, and then well, 2020 hit us.

This past year has taught me a lot about different ways to travel the world. Whether that meant to explore my own country or travel through the eyes of some of my favourite creators or DIY'ing a meal from another country. But I am hopeful that 2021 will be a transitioning year where some countries will open up, and try to rebuild the booming tourism business there once was.

Creating the 2021 bucket list, I have tried to take into consideration some of the limitations that travel will have in 2021. However, I also dream of the time where we can go back to normal and travel like before.

Solo Travel

If you have never taken a solo trip, 2021 would be the perfect year for this. Traveling solo is not about the lack of a travel partner or friends. It should be about experiencing a new city, country or place and doing what YOU have always wanted to do. No sacrifices. Take the time to research this place, find out the hidden gems that you want to visit and eat at the best places in town. A lot of people think that a solo trip equals a 3 month backpacking adventure in South East Asia. And whilst this is a type of solo travel you can do, you can also just book a weekend trip to a new city. This is a lot less scary and seems more achievable, for a first time solo trip than a big backpacking adventure.

Explore Your Own Country & Support Local Businesses

The travel industry has taken a big hit in 2020. This year is all about rebuilding businesses and coming back stronger. We often empathise with small business owners in these touristy places like Italy or Mexico.. But we forget about our own local tourist businesses, as they might not be the first place you'd think of visiting. Try to find a new museum, local shop, restaurant and spent the night in a small boutique hotel in your own city, state or country.

Take the Time to Volunteer

If you travel often, visiting new countries might feel a bit redundant or just not give you the thrill you were hoping for. Rather than visiting another arts museum or go on a pub crawl... try to go volunteer abroad. When I have done a volunteering trip in the past, I found it so much more satisfying than laying on a beach and drinking cocktails. There are a ton of different options when it comes to volunteering, some being: teaching English abroad, helping at an animal shelter, working with teens at summer camps, cleaning beaches or assisting on a nature conservation.

Road Trip in a Camper Van

I cannot be the only one who's social media and youtube subscription box has transformed into a van life or bus life resource. One of the safest ways to travel during this changing time is to do so in a self-contained vehicle. Some of the most popular options I have seen are camper vans, converted sprinter vans and school buses. This travel lifestyle allows you to explore new places without unnecessary human interactions.

City Trip in Europe

A lifelong goal of mine is to have traveled to every country in Europe. Which is why I love city trips. Although it might not always show you the most authentic experiences of a country. It does give you an opportunity to get a taste of that country. Rather than going to the "mainstream destinations" with large crowds I want to find similar city-trip experiences in smaller towns. If you want to get some inspiration of where to visit, check out this blog post.


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