Travel Blog


Destinations Lisaura Lisa Goossens Destinations Lisaura Lisa Goossens

5 Hikes You Cannot Miss On Vancouver Island

British Colombia is known for its amazing trails and hikes. When visiting BC's largest island, Vancouver Island, there are a few hikes you definitely cannot miss out on. Spread all around the island, there is so much to see and so many beautiful spots to hike at. Making it hard to consolidate them in 1 list. This is just an overview of some of the more known trails, which are still beautiful and 100% worth visiting when you are on the island.

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Experiences Lisaura Lisa Goossens Experiences Lisaura Lisa Goossens

Whale Watching on Vancouver Island

One of the things Vancouver Island is known for is the abundance of orca’s, humpbacks and grey whales which you can spot all over the island. If you are interested in Whale watching tours, here is a bit more detailed information on where to go whale watching on Vancouver island, what to expect and which animals can be spotted when.

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Destinations Lisaura Lisa Goossens Destinations Lisaura Lisa Goossens

Best Places to Visit on Vancouver Island

Discover Vancouver Island’s beautiful places which are definitely worth visiting when you head towards the biggest island of British Columbia. Get surprised in Victoria, Tofino or the Comox Valley. Find out where to go, eat and stay and what to do in these places.

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Experiences Lisaura Lisa Goossens Experiences Lisaura Lisa Goossens

Study Abroad in Canada

For my first semester I went to study abroad in Comox, a beautiful little town on Vancouver Island in Canada. I know, not the most typical place people would go for their study abroad. At least not if you’re studying in Europe. But I was down for the adventure.

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