Study Abroad in the United States


After graduating high school I knew deep down I wasn’t ready to start college. I felt like there were so many things that I could be doing and so much still to learn about myself that I decided to take a gap year. During a gap year you can do a lot of things. I decided to study abroad in the US. Read on to find out what my experience was like.

How to Decide What to Do on a Gap Year?

So, my gap year.. what was I gonna do? Travel? Work? Study Abroad? There were so many options to pick from. I decided I would fulfil a life-long dream of mine; study in the United States of America. Ever since I was about 12 years old, I wanted to study abroad in the US. And crazy enough 5 years later, at age 17 I packed my bags and left to study in Oologah, Oklahoma.

Well, I didn’t just pack up and leave… I went with an organization (WEP – check them out via ), planned the whole thing, got my paperwork in check & then I left.

Where Did I Go to Study Abroad?

So, I know right, Oologah Oklahoma doesn’t really sound like an interesting place to stay for a year. But let me prove you wrong. The number 1 thing I learned from my study abroad is that it doesn’t matter where you end up. All that matters is how you and what you decide to spend your time on.

School Activities

I came to Oologah as a regular Senior but also got involved at the school. I was a member of the yearbook, business professional of America officer, part of the spirit club & participated in 3 sports; Volleyball (as a player) and Basketball & Soccer (as a manager).

During my senior year, I got to experience all the things you see in the movies, watching Friday night football games, Homecoming, Spring Break, Prom and Graduation. Most of them are just as glamorous as you see in the movies.

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Football Games

There was just something about watching your whole community getting together and supporting the football team every Friday. Dressing up and shouting all night long so they would take the W. Our boys did amazing, they went to the State finals for 4A football, unfortunately they didn’t win but nevertheless it was an amazing year to be there and support them along the way.


Homecoming was another movie-like moment where one of my closest friends became Homecoming Queen. And so many of my friends were in the parade as well.

Spring Break

Spring Break was one of the most amazing weeks. With a group of friends we drove down to Destin, Florida. A 14 hour long trip was worth it when you had such a beautiful view and so much fun all week long.

Prom Night

Now, prom was another moment I’ll always remember. My friends & I took a party bus to downtown Tulsa and danced the night away all night long. Getting to dress up and taking pictures with my friends was SO MUCH FUN.

Sadly, the year had to come to an end. It was time for all the seniors to wave High School goodbye and start a new chapter. Fortunately they allowed me to walk with my fellow classmates. To top it all off, my parents flew in to see me graduate with the rest of my classmates.

Host Mom

There is so much more that happened during the year, you could make a movie out of it. I am thankful for the friends I made, the experiences I had, the friends I made, but most of all for becoming part of a new family. My host mom was so amazing, and so was the rest of her family. As soon as I met them, I knew this was about more than hosting a stranger. They accepted me for who I was and for that I am beyond grateful.


Traveling While on a Study Abroad

Lastly, I could not just move to the US and stay within Oklahoma for a whole year? Heck no, other than my Spring Break trip to Florida I went to; New York, New Jersey, Missouri, Texas, Colorado, Washington, and drove through some other states on my way there as well.

It is crazy to me how much that year has impacted the rest of my life. I grew so much as an individual, gained so much knowledge about myself and the world. I learned who I wanted to be and what my contribution to this earth should be.

If I could give 1 piece of advice to anybody in the world, it would be to say YES. Go on that adventure, make sure to chase your dreams. You have to be the one to take charge, because nobody will do it for you.


I didn’t choose Oologah,
Oologah chose me.

- Senior Quote: Lisaura Goossens


Study Abroad in Canada